Award Categories

Judging Criteria for SPBA - Promising Brands (Total Weightage: 100)
The participating Brand is required to make an online submission in accordance with the judging criteria stated below. Evaluation of the Brand will be based on the following:

  1. Brand Concept (Total: 30 Points)
The creation of an impression that the brand is associated with a product and/or service that has qualities and/or characteristics that makes it unique. It defines the essential tools to create all the desired messages and responses while delivering a solid promise to the end customer. This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Vision and Mission
State the brand vision and mission. How are the brand vision and mission communicated through every level of the organisation? What has been done to achieve the brand vision and mission to date?
    ii. Brand Values and Personality
State and elaborate the values and personality of the Brand.
    iii. Brand Identity
State the significance of the brand logo and what it conveys. How is the Brand represented in its marketing communications (advertising & promotion, collaterals, digital applications on web and mobile) and customer touchpoints (product packaging and retail presence)?
    iv. Brand Promise
What is the brand promise and how is it being fulfilled?
  2. Brand Management and Development (Total: 50 Points)
This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Positioning
State and elaborate the positioning of the Brand.
    ii. Brand Building
Explain how the Brand is protected, enforced and promoted. Has the Brand undergone any trademark registration? If yes, please indicate the country and the number of trademarks registered. Does the organisation hold other intellectual property (IP) rights to the Brand? Does the Brand issue franchising rights? If yes, please indicate the number and location(s) of the franchises. Has the organisation licensed the use of the Brand or trade marks? If yes, please elaborate.
    iii. Digitalisation
What digital strategies have been implemented; how do these strategies enhance the brand building efforts and help achieve the desired brand experience. Please indicate the measures or systems in place for evaluating the effectiveness of these digital efforts (Return on Investments).
    iv. Brand Innovation and Brand Development
Does the Brand embrace innovation as a key business strategy? State and elaborate how innovation drives your business growth and performance such as new growth opportunities (new customer segments, new market, new channels, etc.) Has there been any product and/or service development programme implemented in the organisation? If yes, please elaborate.
  3. Brand Performance (Total: 20 Points)
What is the Brand’s significance to the business? How does branding affect business performance? This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Growth and Profitability
What was the revenue growth of the Brand for the past 3 years (2021 - 2023)? Please indicate the sales turn over under the Brand. Has branding contributed to the revenue growth of the organisation? Please explain the trend for the past 3 years (2021 - 2023).

Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) Certification
Has the Brand’s company attained the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification?

*A bonus of 5 points will be awarded to Brands whose companies are DPTM-certified. Simply upload a copy of the DPTM certificate. For more information on DPTM, please visit

Judging Criteria for SPBA - Established Brands (Total Weightage: 100)
The participating Brand is required to make an online submission in accordance with the judging criteria stated below. Evaluation of the Brand will be based on the following:

  1. Brand Strategic Blueprint (Total: 30 Points)
The blueprint defines the framework of the Brand roadmap. It articulates clearly the way the brand differentiates itself from its competitors. This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Ideology
State and explain the ideology behind the Brand.
    ii. Brand Vision and Mission State the brand vision and mission.
    iii. Brand Positioning
State and elaborate the positioning of the Brand.
    iv. Brand Values and Personality
State and elaborate the values and personality of the Brand.
    v. Brand Promise
What is the brand promise and how is it being fulfilled?
  2. Brand Identity (Total: 15 Points)
Brand identity is the key concept which guides all communication in the expression of the Brand. This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Logo
State and elaborate the positioning of the Brand.
    ii. Brand Applications
How is the Brand represented in its marketing communications (advertising & promotion, collaterals, digital applications on web and mobile) and customer touchpoints (product packaging and retail presence)?
    iii. Brand Documentation
State and explain the documentation of the overall brand identity.
  3. Brand Management (Total: 20 Points)
This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Champion(s) and the Brand Management Team
Who are the key personnel in the organisation responsible for the brand equity? Please state their roles and responsibilities in the management of the Brand.
    ii. Brand Culture
What are the measures or tools adopted to ensure that a deep-rooted brand culture is instilled in employees across the organisation?
    iii. Feedback on Customer Relations
How does the Brand monitor, evaluate and apply customer feedback to further improve its brand-customer relationship?
    iv. Intellectual Property, Trademark, Licensing and Franchising (Regional and International), and Awards and Certifications
Are the products, services and Brand registered, and protected in all relevant markets? Please also list all awards, certifications and appointments that the Brand has achieved or attained.
  4. Brand Development (Total: 15 Points)
This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Channel Strategy
What are the channels used for the distribution of products and/or services of the Brand? How is the Brand monitored through these channels?
    ii. Digitalisation
What digital strategies have been implemented; how do these strategies enhance the Brand building efforts and help achieve the desired brand experience. Please indicate the measures or systems in place for evaluating the effectiveness of these digital efforts (Return on Investments).
    iii. Brand Innovation and Brand Development
Does the Brand embrace innovation as a key business strategy? State and elaborate how innovation drives your business growth and performance such as new growth opportunities (new customer segments, new market, new channels, etc.) Has there been any product and/or service development programme implemented in the organisation? If yes, please elaborate.
    iv. Brand Advancement Plan
What is the Brand advancement plan for the next 3 years and how will it be implemented?
  5. Brand Performance (Total: 20 Points)
What is the Brand’s significance to the business? How does Branding affect business performance? This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Market Share and Growth (Local and Overseas)
What was the market share of the Brand for the past 3 years (2021 - 2023)?
    ii. Brand Loyalty
Describe the relationship between the Brand’s performance and customer loyalty over the past 3 years (2021 - 2023).
    iii. Brand Performance
What was the revenue growth of the Brand for the past 3 years (2021 - 2023)?

Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) Certification
Has the Brand’s company attained the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification?

*A bonus of 5 points will be awarded to Brands whose companies are DPTM-certified. Simply upload a copy of the DPTM certificate. For more information on DPTM, please visit

Judging Criteria for SPBA - Heritage Brands (Total Weightage: 100)
The participating Brand is required to make an online submission in accordance with the judging criteria stated below. Evaluation of the Brand will be based on the following:

  1. Brand Heritage and Identity (Total: 30 Points)
The Brand history and organisation background information. Is there a well-designed Brand identity in place that expressively communicates the Brand heritage? This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Origin
How was the company founded and how is the Brand associated with the heritage of the company? How long has the Brand been established for? Has the Brand gone through a revamp? If yes, how has it retained its heritage through its Brand communication?
    ii. Brand Logo
State the significance of the Brand logo and what it conveys.
    iii. Brand Applications
How is the Brand represented in its marketing communications (advertising & promotion, collaterals, digital applications on web and mobile) and customer touchpoints (product packaging and retail presence)?
    iv. Brand Documentation
State and explain the documentation of the overall Brand identity.
  2. Brand Strategic Blueprint (Total: 30 Points)
The blueprint defines the framework of the Brand roadmap. It articulates clearly the way the Brand differentiates itself from its competitors. This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Ideology
State and explain the ideology behind the Brand.
    ii. Brand Vision and Mission
State the Brand vision and mission.
    iii. Brand Promise
What is the Brand promise and how is it fulfilled?
  3. Brand Development and Performance (Total: 40 Points)
How has the product and/or service improved over the years and what are the development programme that will be implemented in the future? How important is the Brand to the business and how has Branding affected business performance? This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Digitalisation
What digital strategies have been implemented; how do these strategies enhance the brand building efforts and help achieve the desired Brand experience. Please indicate the measures or systems in place for evaluating the effectiveness of these digital efforts (Return on Investments).
    ii. Brand Innovation and Brand Development
Does the Brand embrace innovation as a key business strategy? State and elaborate how innovation drives your business growth and performance such as new growth opportunities (new customer segments, new market, new channels, etc.) Has there been any product and/or service development programme implemented in the organisation? If yes, please elaborate.
    iii. Brand Performance
What was the revenue growth of the Brand for the past 3 years (2021 - 2023)?
    iv. Brand Loyalty
Describe the relationship between the Brand’s performance and customer loyalty over the past 3 years (2021 - 2023).
    v. Regional and International Presence
State the Brand’s internationalisation efforts and its presence in other countries over the years.

Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) Certification
Has the Brand’s company attained the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification?

*A bonus of 5 points will be awarded to Brands whose companies are DPTM-certified. Simply upload a copy of the DPTM certificate. For more information on DPTM, please visit

Judging Criteria for SPBA - Regional Brands (Total Weightage: 100)
The participating Brand is required to make an online submission in accordance with the judging criteria stated below. Evaluation of the Brand will be based on the following:

The success of brand infiltration in foreign markets**. Participants must be able to produce documentary evidence of the Brand’s presence in at least 3 foreign markets**, while retaining its true values as a Singapore brand. This evaluation component will be based on the following:Note: **”Foreign market” is defined as “a country OR a city with population exceeding 5 million”.

Market Penetration – List the extent of presence the Brand has in each market.
Physical Presence – Direct Sales

  • Retail Outlets / Showrooms 
  • Subsidiary Offices / Representative Offices 
  • Factories / Production Plants / Manufacturing Plants / Franchisee

Distributorship/ Representative

  • Letter of Appointment of Representative in country
  • Letter of Appointment as Official Distributor

International Certifications, Accreditations & Awards

  • Name of Certificates / Awards (e.g. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, United States Green Building Council 2011; Certificate of ISO 9001: 2008)

Patents / Trademarks & Areas filed

  • Provide information on patents and/or trademarks (number, name, territory)


  • Actual Sales generated
  • Market presence over the Internet, Domain Names


  • List of Brands / Companies overseas
  • Registration of Company overseas
    ii. Internationalisation Efforts
Describe the extent of the Brand’s internationalisation efforts and the proliferation of the Brand in various foreign markets throughout the years.
    iii. Foreign Presence Achievement
State and elaborate on the achievement of the Brand’s foreign presence.
Brand identity is the key concept that guides all communication in the expression of the Brand. This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Logo
State the significance of the brand logo and what it conveys.
    ii. Brand Applications
How is the Brand represented in its marketing communications (advertising & promotion, collaterals, digital applications on web and mobile) and customer touchpoints (product packaging and retail presence)?
    iii. Brand Documentation
State and explain the documentation of the overall brand identity.
The blueprint defines the framework of the brand roadmap. It articulates clearly the way the Brand differentiates itself from its competitors. This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Ideology
State and explain the ideology behind the Brand.
    ii. Brand Vision and Mission
State the brand vision and mission.
    iii. Brand Promise
What is the brand promise and how is it being fulfilled?
How has the product and/or service improved over the years? What are the development programmes planned for the future? What is the Brand’s significance to the business? How does branding affect business performance? This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Digitalisation
What digital strategies have been implemented; how do these strategies enhance the brand building efforts and help achieve the desired brand experience. Please indicate the measures or systems in place for evaluating the effectiveness of these digital efforts (Return on Investments).
    ii. Brand Innovation and Brand Development
Does the Brand embrace innovation as a key business strategy? State and elaborate how innovation drives your business growth and performance such as new growth opportunities (new customer segments, new market, new channels, etc.) Has there been any product and/or service development programme implemented in the organisation? If yes, please elaborate.
    iii. Brand Performance
What was the revenue growth of the Brand for the past 3 years (2021 –2023)?
    iv. Brand Loyalty
Describe the relationship between the Brand’s performance and customer loyalty over the past 3 years (2021 – 2023).
  5. Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) Certification
Has the Brand’s company attained the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification?*A bonus of 5 points will be awarded to Brands whose companies are DPTM-certified. Simply upload a copy of the DPTM certificate. For more information on DPTM, please visit

Judging Criteria for SPBA - Special Merit
The participating Brand is required to make an online submission in accordance with the judging criteria stated below. Evaluation of the Brand will be based on the following:

  1. Brand Concept (Total: 30 Points)
The creation of an impression that the brand is associated with a product and/or service that has qualities and/or characteristics that makes it unique. It defines the essential tools to create all the desired messages and responses while delivering a solid promise to the end customer. This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Vision and Mission
State the brand vision and mission. How are the brand vision and mission communicated through every level of the organisation? What has been done to achieve the brand vision and mission to date?
    ii. Brand Values and Personality
State and elaborate the values and personality of the Brand.
    iii. Brand Identity
State the significance of the brand logo and what it conveys. How is the Brand represented in its marketing communications (advertising & promotion, collaterals, digital applications on web and mobile) and customer touchpoints (product packaging and retail presence)?
    iv. Brand Promise
What is the brand promise and how is it being fulfilled?
  2. Brand Management and Development (Total: 30 Points)
This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Brand Positioning
State and elaborate the positioning of the Brand.
    ii. Digitalisation
What digital strategies have been implemented; how do these strategies enhance the brand building efforts and help achieve the desired brand experience. Please indicate the measures or systems in place for evaluating the effectiveness of these digital efforts (Return on Investments).
    iii. Brand Innovation and Brand Development
Does the Brand embrace innovation as a key business strategy? State and elaborate how innovation drives your business growth and performance such as new growth opportunities (new customer segments, new market, new channels, etc.) Has there been any product and/or service development programme implemented in the organisation? If yes, please elaborate.
  3. Brand Performance (Total: 40 Points)
What is the Brand’s significance to the business? How does branding affect business performance? This evaluation component will be based on the following:
    i. Growth
Has Branding contributed to the growth of the organisation? If yes, please elaborate.

Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) Certification
Has the Brand’s company attained the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification?

*A bonus of 5 points will be awarded to Brands whose companies are DPTM-certified. Simply upload a copy of the DPTM certificate. For more information on DPTM, please visit

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